Let the Countdown Begin

Just two days after Thanksgiving I have to quickly mentally prepare myself that December starts t o m o r r ow.... Can you believe that? I know I can't. The holidays are in full swing and I can't get behind! With so much to do and having to prioritize the level of importance of Holiday activities I started with a DIY project.

As a tradition in my family every year we use an Advent Calendar to count the days down to Christmas day. My family actually has two, one my mother made and the other is store bought. Being as crafty as I am I wanted to pass along the countdown calendar tradition to a friend who does not have one.

I got all my supplies from Michaels During their Black Friday sale (I was that person who went at 4pm Thanksgiving day when they opened) What I used for his project:
  • A wooden 12x12 Shadow Box with a frame ledge
  • Red and Green Spray Paint
  • 1 piece of 12x12 Scrapbook Paper
  • Holiday mini Clothespins
  • Hot glue or liquid fusion glue
  • Mini Present ornaments
  • A felt small holiday bag
  • Other Holiday stickers and decals
Here are the Steps that led me to the finished product!
  1. Tape off the outside ledge and paint the inner edges green. Wait to dry. Repeat steps to paint the outside edge red.
  2. Glue the middle of the shadow box (the unpainted wood) and place the scrapbook paper on
  3. Lay out the clothes pins on the paper to size out where you want to place them. Make sure you leave enough room for the hanging presents. Once you are satisfied use the hot glue to adhere to the paper background
  4. Under Each clothespin either write a number with sharpie or using stickers. I used Sharpies and started with the number 1.
  5. Loop the thread through the presents and tie a knot that is almost even on each present. Once you are done you will be able to Hook the knotted loop through the clothespin.
  6. Add your finishing holiday decorations and you're finished!

Enjoy and get into the holiday spirit! 


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