OOTD: Starbucks included

To get Starbucks or not to get Starbucks; that is the question. But is that ever really a question? Growing up in a Dunkin Donuts only family I was never exposed to Starbucks until I went to college. I was so intrigued by how girls schedule their day around getting Starbucks or drinking Diet Coke. But that's a different topic to discuss on a different day. Back to Starbucks. It is so much more then a drink. It is a crucial accessory to your everyday outfit. Whether it's a coffee, frozen drink or a refresher, a Starbucks cup with your name misspelled is the finishing touch to every outfit. Today as I leave the mall on my ever so short lunch break I am faced with the question. Starbucks or no Starbucks. I guiltily give in and purchase a refresher. So which do I prefer? The fashion girl in me picks Starbucks but the donut lover picks Dunkin donuts. Now only if they could combine into one company. Wouldn't that be ideal? The more immersed into the fashion industry I get I realize that Starbucks is a staple to girls Wardrobes. So remember your outfit of the day is not complete without Starbucks.


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